
Virtual reality has evolved into a practical technology that has recently been introduced across many different industries. In the construction industry alone, the innovative tool has started to show its worth by improving worker and safety training, limiting rework, time savings, and identifying design flaws.

In the discussion below I will discuss some of the VR technologies used in construction. I will also discuss the benefits VR in construction can have on training, safety, and the construction process itself.



The major methods of utilizing VR in construction are as follows:

  • Desktop-Based VR – This is the most commonly used method of VR in construction. This simply uses a computer monitor to illustrate the virtual activities. This method relies on the user’s spatial and perceptive abilities to navigate through the virtual world using a mouse to experience what happens around them. Given the limited hardware required to utilize this method of VR, it is considered the cheapest and easiest to acquire. Some of the most notable software developments of desktop-based VR are the V-Realism [1] and the Interactive Construction Management Learning System [2].
  • Immersive VR – In contrast to that of Desktop-Based VR immersive VR required special hardware i.e. a head-mounted device and sensor gloves to extract the user from the physical world and fully immerse them into the virtual world being depicted. The Virtual Structural Analysis Programme is an immersive VR system utilized to understand the structural behavior of buildings in the virtual environment [3].
  • BIM Enabled VR – BIM is related to the creation and use of three-dimensional objects, which also contain relevant properties information [4] [5]. In contrast to the two VR methods shown discussed above this method relies heavily on the model emphasizing the data binding to simulate construction processes and operations. BIM allows the user access to data (i.e. material, cost) to allow them to make real-time decisions during the design process. BIM allows the user to review all elements of the design from Mechanical, to electrical, to plumbing, to ensure more detailed discussions can be carried out about the design.

Benefits of VR in Construction:

  1. Training

Construction quality and safety of the worker mostly depend on the quality of training of the worker [6]. In order for a project to be successful it relies on the quality of the training of its workforce [7]. Traditional training, although beneficial, does not give the individual a true understanding of the procedures and risks associated with the task at hand.

Figure 1 – shows a construction worker vehicle operation training using immersive VR technology

VR-based training is available for a range of vehicles i.e. crane, excavator [8]. VR technologies are undoubtedly a beneficial tool to ensure a skilled workforce.

  1. Construction Safety Management

Every year thousands of people lose their lives in the construction industry. This can be due to a lack of knowledge of safety protocols or due to insufficient employee training. The number one priority on every site is worker safety. VR technology safety training has proven to reduce the accident rate on construction sites when it has been implemented efficiently.

Figure 2 – Illustrates VR training being used in: PPE training on the left and working at heights training on the right

Le developed an innovative VR-based construction safety education system for experiential learning [9]. Illustrated in the paper referenced below Sacks shows that VR technologies are highly beneficial to appreciate the implications of designs on safety. An individual may have reservations with certain scenarios or drills regarding safety; VR would let that individual investigate this issue.

  1. Limiting reworks, saving time & money

The defect management system in construction can be an extremely costly process, in the lines of time, manpower, and money, and to top this off, defects can still very easily be missed. However, with the use of VR technologies, defect management systems can become very easy, efficient, and cost-effective. No physical labor is needed to carry out his operation. Labor and time are saved here thus saving money [10]. In the paper referenced below, Dong developed an application for construction defect reporting in VR-based mobile and digital workbench technologies from the work site to the head office without any time or workforce loss [11]. Similarly, Wong illustrates that Virtual reality technologies can be used to develop a framework for proactive construction defect management using BIM technologies by building a constraint into the system.

  1. Visualization

In the past, getting an accurate visual representation of a project was very difficult. However, today, using VR technologies it is possible to experience the project virtually and see how the project reacts with the surrounding world before a brick has been laid. One important factor that needs to be thoroughly tested is the viability of an architectural design. For many years, human judgment and scale models were the only methods to determine whether a structure was viable or not. As we know, human judgment can be high, and sometimes intentionally, erroneous and scale models cannot fully simulate the environment the structure must withstand. Not only can the viability of a building be tested before it’s built, but construction workers and employees can also actually explore it. Feedback about a design from this is phenomenal, being able to pick up even small details such as whether a worker can fit in within a space.

Figure 3 – illustrates the analysis of a visualization of a project model using VR technology

Furthermore, the construction of a building can be simulated in virtual reality as it would in its normal environment. This allows an organization to fine-tune construction processes for maximum efficiency and a minimum amount of change. Field construction can be planned, monitored, and controlled more effectively by detailed visualization using VR technologies [12].

As shown above, there is a range of VR technologies from cheap to expensive. Regardless, of the price of these technologies they can all have a significant benefit on a project.
If the only benefit VR technologies had on construction was improved safety, it would still be an essential tool. Safety is the number one priority in construction. Ensuring that all workers are prepared for whatever scenario that may occur is very important. The use of VR technologies can help prepare individuals for the environment they are going to be working in.
A skilled workforce ensures the efficiency of a project. As shown above, using VR technologies can enhance the training. VR technologies can help climatize the individual for the environment they are to be working in to reduce the settling-in period. Furthermore, this leads to efficient work being carried out, leading to an efficient project, leading to saving time thus saving money.
One of the most common causes for delay or even an unsuccessful project is a change in design. These changes can cost a lot of money and significant delays. These changes can stem from a misinterpretation of drawings or construction documents. The use of VR technologies can extinguish this confusion as shown above. Virtual Reality is an ever-evolving element in general life as technologies improve. Furthermore, we can expect Virtual Reality in construction to follow suit.


[1] Li, J.-R.; Khoo, L.P.; Tor, S.B. Desktop virtual reality for maintenance training: An object-oriented prototype system (V-REALISM). Comput. Ind. 2003

[2] Sawhney, A.; Marble, J.; Mund, A.; Vamadevan, A. Internet-based interactive construction management learning system. In Construction Congress VI: Building Together for a Better Tomorrow in an Increasingly Complex World; Amer Society of Civil Engineers: Reston, VA, USA, 2000

[3] Setareh, M.; Bowman, D.A.; Kalita, A. Development of a virtual reality structural analysis system. J. Arch. Eng. 2005

[4] Gheisari, M.; Irizarry, J. Investigating human and technological requirements for successful implementation of a BIM-based mobile augmented reality environment in facility management practices. Facilities 2016

[5] Song, Y.; Tan, Y.; Song, Y.; Wu, P.; Cheng, J.C.; Kim, M.J.; Wang, X. Spatial and temporal variations of spatial population accessibility to public hospitals: A case study of rural-urban comparison. GISci. Remote Sens. 2018.

[6] Demirkesen, S., & Arditi, D. (2015). Construction safety personnel’s perceptions of safety training practices. International Journal of Project Management, 33(5), 1160-1169

[7] Kerzner, H., & Kerzner, H. R. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling: John Wiley & Sons.

[8] Fang, Y., Teizer, J., & Marks, E. (2014). A framework for developing an as-built virtual environment to advance training of crane operators. Paper presented at the Construction Research Congress 2014: Construction in a Global Network.

[9] Le, Q. T., Pedro, A., Lim, C., Park, H., Park, C., & Kim, H. (2015). A framework for using mobile-based virtual reality and augmented reality for experiential construction safety education. International Journal of Engineering Education

[10] Shen, W., Hao, Q., Mak, H., Neelamkavil, J., Xie, H., Dickinson, J., . . . Xue, H. (2010). Systems integration and collaboration in architecture, engineering, construction, and facilities management: A review. Advanced engineering informatics

[11] Dong, A., Maher, M. L., & Daruwala, Y. (2006). Construction defect reporting using mobile and digital workbench technologies. https://digitalcollections. qut. edu. au/1661/.

[12] Kamat, V. R., Martinez, J. C., Fischer, M., Golparvar-Fard, M., Peña-Mora, F., & Savarese, S. (2010). Research in visualization techniques for field construction. Journal of construction engineering and Management.

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